12U – 60 Mins #4

Team Name
12U – 60 Mins #4
Start Time
04:00 PM
End Time
05:00 PM
EARLY ACTIVITY Wiffle Circle stopwatch - timer 15 Minutes
Wiffle Circle is an Early Activity drill that can be run during the 15-minutes prior to practice start time.  It can also be ran as a pre-game drill...Read More
notes Notes:
Second time running the drill, how many athletes show up early?!?
WARM UP Dyn Warm Up 12U #1 stopwatch - timer 10 Minutes
~ SEE "EXECUTION KEYS" BELOW FOR AGE-SPECIFIC SUGGESTION LIST ~ The Dynamic Warm Up is today's warm up routine.  Gone are the days of standing in a...Read More
notes Notes:
Get a sweat! Shave some time if drill familiarity allows.
THROWING Long Toss Competition stopwatch - timer 10 Minutes
Long Toss Competition is a fun throwing competition to run at the end of a throwing segment.  Teach, then throw, finish by competing.  This helps to...Read More
notes Notes:
Structured-Catch-Play followed by Long-Toss-Competition.
Stations (Groups rotate halfway through block)
Quick review, POP! practice, then Side-Shuffle-&-Pop
Idea: Four-Corner Receiving first 2 times through line. Then tennis time!
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
BASERUNNING Water Cup Sliding stopwatch - timer 10 Minutes
Water Cup Sliding is a baserunning drill designed to train the fundamentals of a proper feet-first slide. Having the athlete hold water cups in both hands...Read More
notes Notes:
Holding water cups... Teach Figure-4: Hands up & foot tucked behind opposite knee.
MENTAL / FINISH No Goals – GB Competition stopwatch - timer 5 Minutes
GroundBalls - No Goals is a station drill for use after ground ball fundamentals have been introduced.  This drill is designed to train and develop infield...Read More
notes Notes:
Compete in high-energy game to 5. Pick 'em, switch sides, play again!

"Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn."

– John Maxwell, Author


  •  Win with class, lose with pride. Either way, have a good time!
  •  Baseball is a game, and games are supposed to be fun.
  •  Beat your opponent in such a way that he wants to compete with you again.