28MAR (120 Mins)

Team Name
28MAR (120 Mins)
PLLL Minors
Start Time
End Time
EARLY ACTIVITY Wiffle Circle stopwatch 8:45-9:00 timer 15 Minutes
Wiffle Circle is an Early Activity drill that can be run during the 15-minutes prior to practice start time.  It can also be ran as a pre-game drill...Read More
notes Notes:
Practice #1 of Early Activity: Make sure ALL know that it's cool to be early.
WARM UP Dyn Warm Up 10U #1 stopwatch 9:00-9:10 timer 10 Minutes
~ SEE "EXECUTION KEYS" BELOW FOR AGE-SPECIFIC SUGGESTION LIST ~ The Dynamic Warm Up is today's warm up routine.  Gone are the days of standing in a...Read More
notes Notes:
Break the ice, encourage high fives, and get the focus away from Mom & Dad.
BASERUNNING Home to First stopwatch 9:10-9:20 timer 10 Minutes
Home-to-First coaches the correct way to run through the first base bag.  As part of Baserunning or Conditioning, this drill can be run near the end...Read More
notes Notes:
Front of bag, either foot, break down, look right (#kickdirtoncoach).
THROWING Structured Catch Play stopwatch 9:20-9:30 timer 10 Minutes
Playing catch is the most important "drill" you will ever run as a coach! Structured Catch Play is more than just a drill.  It's actually more of an organized,...Read More
notes Notes:
Start with Feet in Concrete than move into Structured Catch Play.
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
QUICK DEFENSE Four Corner Receiving stopwatch 9:35-9:40 timer 5 Minutes
Four-Corner Receiving is a drill to work on catching the baseball (basic receiving for beginning baseball players).  It is easy to execute, safe for beginning...Read More
notes Notes:
Take inventory of where the athletes are at skill-wise.
Cut-off Man Bucket Drill 28MAR (120 Mins) stopwatch 9:40-10:00 timer 20 Minutes
notes Notes:
Line at LF, player at RF CF LF SS 2B. Train who is cutoff man (ball over who's head?). RF to second, LF to second, CF to second rotate CW
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
Stations (Groups rotate halfway through block)
Fundamentals: Ground Balls
stopwatch 10:05-10:20 timer 15 Minutes
Teach GB steps (Ready / Approach / Field Triangle / Finish) & language to be used.
Fundamentals: Fly Balls
stopwatch 10:20-10:35 timer 15 Minutes
Dropstep, crossover (read), go.
  WATER BREAK (5min)  
1st & 3rd Baserunning 1st & 3rd Baserunning stopwatch 10:40-11:00 timer 20 Minutes
1st & 3rd Baserunning is a team offense drill to run during the baserunning segment of practice.  Your team will need to cover the 1st / 3rd situation...Read More
notes Notes:
Coach team on pickle. Infield manned, runners on 1 & 3- how many runs can score game

"There may be people that have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do."

– Derek Jeter, NY Yankees ('95-'14)


  •  Working hard is a habit, and habits must be earned. DECIDE to work hard daily!
  •  Find a way. Won’t always feel like working hard. Compete, challenge another, grind.
  •  "Practice is what you make of it,” Raul Ibanez (1996-2014)