Categories: Blog

Just Blog Baby

Uhhh, I now have a blog.  This is really good news for me as it provides me the opportunity to communicate quickly, easily, and casually with the DC crew.  Per Ryan, our video guru… we are labeling ourselves “Captain’s”.  So, congratulations – you’re now a Captain.  I have dreams of mailing each and every subscribing coach a certificate that is to be signed committing to the values and principles that this community stands for.  Remind me to do that when all this “starting-a-new-website-chaos” dies down.

This blog also signals the beginning of a wave of improvements.  We’ve been noting your feedback, and logging your requests.  We have much work ahead to take this beta-DC to the next level and frankly are excited at the challenge.  Much of the last 3-4 months has been spent stabilizing the site behind the scenes and working through the inevitable challenges of launching to the public.  I can’t thank you enough for both your patience as well as your involvement in this process.  The feedback has been great and we WILL be slowly and steadily improving the site.  The first, and most requested, change is now complete (see below).  I’ll be using this blog to explain the tool.  There is so much to explain, examples include:

How is pitcher’s training included into DC Practice Plans? (at the very bottom of the plan, on those plans that have pitching or catching included)

Tutorial Videos – Where can I find them? (hint: Look for the ? on the right side of any page)

I’m fired up to have a place to share these answers.  Send me your questions for future blog answers via email or text:  dan@dugoutcaptain / 714-875-5294

Dugout Captain:
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