If we preach process not results… then confidence is truly the RESULT earned through the PROCESS of working hard. Thus, I love the simple line: CONFIDENCE IS EARNED.
You don’t have to fake confidence. Actually, you CAN’T fake confidence. All of our previous (and really our future Life Lessons) topics will result in a confident ballplayer. In the meantime, just work really, really, hard.
Every heard the phrase, “Fake it until you make it?” This week’s challenge is a spin off of that: Act As If. We want to have fun earning that confidence. What better way to earn confidence, than by following the act of those that have most successfully done it already? Act as if you ARE your favorite ballplayer.
For coaches, we want to positively support that process of building confidence in two ways this week:
1. Build Up Your Ballplayers. Focus on the things they do well, and let them know. Spread the love to your assistant coaches and thank them for all that they do.
2. Check Your Language. Observe how often you use negative-speak: “Get off the grass! Don’t throw the ball in the dirt!” Use positive language instead: “Stay ON the dirt. Throw THROUGH the chest.” This type of language works with your players to build confidence.
Play hard, have fun!
A unique spin on finding good help. Qualitee Reps uses Dugout Captain to train up their coaches. And those coaches are there to work with, instruct, and coach-up your teams and athletes.
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- I am confident in my ability to ______.
- Why? How did you “earn” that confidence?
- Who will you “Act As If” you are?

ACT AS IF – Act as if you ARE your favorite player. How would Mike Trout work today? How would Bryce Harper attack practice? How would Nolan Arrenado take ground balls? DOn’t just watch them, BE them this week. Act. As. If.

POSITIVE COACHING – Build your players up this week. Choose to focus on the positive. And pay attention to the type of language you use: “Stay ON the grass” vs. “Stay OFF the dirt”