EFFORT / Life Lesson
How do you get better at anything? Practice!
Baseball coaches are famous for saying two things and never go into a slump: Effort an Attitude.
I like to say is a little different: There are really only two things that we CAN control on the baseball field: your effort and your attitude.
So, this week let’s practice working hard. Let’s push through being tired. If you got 60 percent… if you show up with 75 percent… be the best YOU!
Focus. Get after it. Work hard.
No excuses, no complaining for an entire practice. Because you and I both know… that skill, that habit, that character trait of being a grinder, being a hard worker, is something that WILL benefit you down the road of life.
So players, your challenge: Show up early. See if you can be 15 minutes early to practice this week.
Coaches your challenge: Reward effort. Who’s leading stretching today? Who’s the first athlete at every drill? Choose the one working the hardest and let your players know. Working hard is important. I’m going to reward effort.
Play hard. Have fun.
Conversation Questions
- Name a challenge you get excited to practice?
- What benefits are there to arriving early?
- Which MLB player do you think has a great attitude and why?
Athlete Challenge
- Arrive 15 minutes early to practice this week.
Coach Challenge
- Award line leaders to the hardest workers at practice.
- Use the DC Clipboard to plan and share a practice.
- There are no Execution Keys
- There are no DC Keys
- No equipment needed